Part 1: My essay will contain linguistics, visual, auditory, and spatial. These forms will work to maintain and express my main argument by relating in some way. These forms will be expressed through pictures, videos, songs, different font types and sizes, and the paragraphs will be altered from their normal form. I will use sources such as the articles we read in class, youtube for videos on art and song lyrics, and possibly wired magazine, the book of life, and/or Aatish Bhatia’s Blog. I will correctly cite these by using The Little Seagull handbook.
Pard 2 Outline:
Intro. An individual, such as myself, may appreciate the beauty in art because it relates to their life in some form. Through this sense of beauty are two forces working together: the sense and form drive as explained by Schiller.
Paragraph 1: We find beauty in art as it represents something familiar in our lives that we find comfort in but may be lacking.
Ex: Devon’s country song and how it reminds him of his life and hometown. Also a picture of his hometown further visualized the message.
Ex: My presentation about tattoos and how they can be in memory of a loved one or an inspirational reminder for the hope and confidence we lack.
Ex: School of Life’s prescription for the purposes of art: “Perhaps it’s full of serenity we admire but don’t have enough of, or perhaps it’s got the tenderness we long for but that our jobs and relationships are currently lacking”
Paragraph 2: Beauty of art helps rebalance our lives by showing us what we are lacking or even what we currently have and need to realize. In order for us to be at balance with who we are and strive to be, the sense and form drive need to be balanced.
Ex: School of Life’s prescription for the purposes of art:”All of us are a little unbalanced in some way. We’re too intellectual, too emotional, too masculine or too feminine, or too calm, or too excitable.”
“It’s in the power of art to help us be more rounded, more balanced, and more sane.”
Ex: Schiller claims, “Rather, the two sides are in need of each other. If the sense drive dominates, we become brutish and superficial. If the form drive is too dominant, we become dry and callous. We need the two to interact harmoniously in order to see the role that beauty can play in our lives.”
Paragraph 3: As humans we are placed in this world to support not only ourselves but others, especially in such a chaotic world. Art allows us to understand what is really important to us.
Ex:School of Life’s prescription for the purposes of art:”It might be propaganda about the simple life or about the need to broaden one’s horizons or about a more playful, tender approach to life. It’s a force that stands up for the best sides of human nature and gives them a platform and an authority in a noisy, distracted world”
Ex: Nikki and Carla’s presentation on the piano and how they played at the old folk’s home. Not only do they enjoy playing but they brought joy to others.
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