Part 1) In Jonah Lehrer’s article, he argues that there needs to be a balance between the world of art and science and the gap that separates them needs to be filled. He claims that “science is public culture” and that “science is the only news” (Page 5). While science is the main focus of today, Lehrer explains that we need art to give science a “new lens” because it is not giving society all the answers it needs and art can help bring a new perspective. Lehrer believes that a science based world is more of a practical problem that is holding back science’s theories. Science alone cannot solve life’s mysteries and therefore needs the help of art as Lehrer states. Artists capture life experiences and emotions whereas science cannot understand the mind from the inside in the same way.
Part 2)
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle: This principle explains how there is a fundamental limit to what we understand about quantum particles and nature in a small, specific sense.
The Bridging Principle: The neural event that shows the activity of brain cells and how it creates experience and consciousness.
Reductionism: Principle of analyzing and describing complex events in terms of phenomena that represent a simpler explanation.
Synapse: Junction between nerve cells in the nervous system that permits a neuron to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another neuron.
Epiphenomenon: A secondary effect or byproduct that arises from but doesn’t influence a process.
Holistic perspective: Engaging and developing the whole person, this can be in a physical, spiritual, or emotional level.
Metaphor: A figure of speech where a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
Part 3) Virginia Woolf is an English writer who uses consciousness as a narrative device. She is quoted in Lehrer’s essay as she claimed that the role of a novelist is to determine and explain the human mind on a daily basis. She is thought to describe the mind from the inside which supports Lehrer’s argument that art is needed in this science based world because it explores the human mind. Arthur Eddington is an english astronomer, physicist, mathematician, and philosopher of science. According to Lehrer he compared the expansion of the universe to an inflated balloon. This was said through an analogy which relates the importance of art to the studies of science related material in order for a better understanding of the concept.
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