1) Immediate Context: The article known as “Necessary Edges; Arts, Empathy, and Education” written by Yo Yo Ma. The article was originally published on the World Post in January 2014. Yo Yo Ma is a cellist and songwriter who is famous for winning Grammy Awards and has produced 90 albums. Yo Yo Ma attended Juilliard school and Harvard University. He is both talented and smart, characteristics that his article revolves around.
2) Imposed Context: My purpose for reading this text is to get a better understanding of the world around me, besides just technological and science based things. Reading the article incorporates the meaning of art and creativity in my world that momentarily revolves around science and technology. While all my classes are science based (besides this one english course) and all my homework is online, it is relieving to finally hear the words art and creativity. This article evokes emotion for me as it motivates me to become more creative.
3) Internal Context: Yo Yo Ma tries to explain in his article why the world needs both art and science, not just science. There needs to be an equilibrium in the world by adding art back into the picture and switching STEM to STEAM or else humans will be avoiding things such as art which they need in order to be creative and evoke emotion. While incorporating his personal experiences and beliefs he is allowing the reader to relate and follow along with his argument.
4) Lemmings: A small, short-tailed, thickset rodent related to voles.
Repertoire: Stock of plays, dances, or pieces that a company or performer knows/performs.
Tandem: Having two things arranged one in front of the other.
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