Art is a controversial subject to the article written by Rhys Southan who realized the group he has joined, also known as Effective Altruism, does not believe his creative style of film making is helping those who are suffering in this world. Southan states, “Like Hilton, most of them seemed doubtful that art had much power to alter the world for the better” (Page 436). The members of Effective Altruism like Hilton believe that art is a waste of time and resources, when people could be working hard and giving the money they earned to those in need. Although money helps better those in a poor situation by purchasing food, water, medicines and more for them, art is a way to promote donations and bring awareness. I see art as being a creative way for talented people to grasp the attention of those who are not artists but can still appreciate it. An artist can paint or write about people in need or a problem in the world and make it appeal in an emotional sense for other citizens. These citizens then feel the need to help by donating money to those in need, but in order for donations to be received, awareness needs to take place and art is one of the best forms of presentation. Also, I find it frustrating because not all people can afford, as much as they work, to give away their money to other people as much as they would like to. Art is often a cheaper way for them to use their talent to reach out to others who may be able to help in greater amounts.
This article also quotes the idea that, “Artists, meanwhile, paint the beautiful landscape in from of them while the rest of the world burns” (Page 437). This may be true in some circumstances but the article brings a harsh tone while stating this. I found this as being negative when there does not have to be a negative aspect to it. There can be positivity in people who see the good in the world because it motivates them to better the environment. It is also not the case for all artists. There are many talented artists who paint landscapes and other things that can be disturbing because it brings awareness to their audience and opens up the eyes of people who need to start making a difference. Although there are some points within this article that I agree with, such as we sometimes waste our time when we could be saving lives, and that money is a big step in helping those in need, I also believe that it can be too narrow minded. Everyone is in a different position and art can be just as useful as money can in some situations.
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